Hi Friends,
It was good to be together at our Family Meeting this past Sunday. I am so excited for all that God has in store for us in 2020!
As a pastoral team we are feeling burden to continue to have us focus as a church family on praying for: Discipleship, Diversity, Deeds and Dollars. Below are specific requests under each category. We’d like to encourage you to pray for one of these a day. It is amazing to see how God has answered our prayers (and beyond!) these past 5 years.
- That our new Sunday school classes would equip people to engage our mission field.
- That our small groups would thrive and be a place where we grow deeper together.
- That our men’s and women’s bible studies would strengthen us.
- That we would have opportunities and boldness to share our faith with neighbors, classmates and co-workers and invite to people to church.
- That we would be a community that quickly welcomes new people in, helps them get connected and feels a responsibility to help one another grow in our faith
- That God would provide the means for us to have a youth outreach program to disciple the next generation
- That God would give us someone who could help us increase our ability to disciple through bringing video content
- That God would make it clear where our next church plant should be and raise up the means to church plant
- That God would raise up leaders from different backgrounds, particularly different ethnicities to help take us forward into reaching parts of our neighborhood that are currently under represented in our church.
- That we would have more musicians who could express diversity in style of music.
- That we would have grace towards one another as our diverse cultural preferences clash from time to time.
- That God would continue to provide for our TTR ministry and give us the means to hire additional staffing and open a women’s house
- That God would bless our outreach at Kirkbride Elementary school
- That God would use our outreach events to make a positive impact on our community
- Easter Outreach
- Summer Festival
- Thanksgiving Dinner
- Christmas Caroling, Christmas Sunday Service, Christmas Eve
- That God would provide us with the means to purchase our building
- That God would provide the means for us to do more outreach into our community